Pyrowave technology, a technology of the future!
2022-10-07 / News
Pyrowave technology, a technology of the future!
The Pyrowave adventure is the story of two young Quebec engineers, Jocelyn Doucet and Jean-Philippe Laviolette, who developed an innovative solution to the end-of-life issue of plastics with a unique microwave technology.
Ten years later, Pyrowave technology is being deployed in many markets around the world to contribute to the next generation of low carbon materials!
We thank the members of our board of directors for their valuable contribution: Martin Lussier, Johanne Sévigny, Guy Marleau, Christophe Durand, Marie-Pierre Donati, ing., MBA, Christophe Rahier, Joško B.
Thanks also to our interns Keita-Tannella Joseph and Gretah-Kaïna Linéus.
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